Jumpstart January: New Classes at The Gentle Place

New Year’s Resolutions?  We can Help!

How many years have you made lists of changes, improvements, intentions and plans that have fallen by the wayside before the month is even done?   How about trying a different strategy this year?

Right now, more than ever, we need to be kind to ourselves and not set ourselves up for failure and self recrimination.  Perhaps our goals need to be simpler, more basic, more self nurturing.   Small steps that we can feel good about achieving, and feel supported by others on the same path.

At The Gentle Place, we have put together a few virtual (via zoom) workshops and workshop series for this January that we think fits the bill.  We hope they will get you started on some good habits that will shift your perspective at a core level, making positive change not only possible, but enjoyable!

First, we have two month-long programs in January to help you commit to your path forward:

1. A Monday morning mind/body fitness class with the inspiring Kat Suwalski, ending the month with a restorative self-care class that will leave you feeling blissful!
2. A Back to Basics yoga class on Saturday mornings with Lisa Smith that is perfect for the beginner yogi, or anyone looking to refine their postures, their alignment and use of props.

And to further support you on your path to mind/body wholeness we have some one time workshops to keep the new year interesting and mind-opening:

1.  A Hula Hooping Class to rekindle childlike joy in your beautiful body…

2. A Self-Hypnosis workshop to align your mind with your heart’s desire…

3A Meditation workshop to help you navigate challenges from a centered place…

4.  3 Different Energy Healing Workshops to support your health and balance.

Click here to Sign up OR to Get more details on ALL our workshops!

Remember, with zoom you can be anywhere and join us, so find a buddy to take a class with you!   And if you sign up but miss a class, don’t worry, we’ll be sending out recordings too

Join us in making 2021 a stellar year… for health, for happiness, for self-love and for peace.


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