Balance for the Holidays

During this time of year it can be hard to maintain balance.

On the one hand we have holidays that encourage us to tune in to gratefulness and love. We are reminded to connect to our hearts, feel compassion, and honor the miracles in our cultural histories.  We are enjoined to see the light – inner and outer – that brightens the darkest time of the year. That’s some pretty wonderful stuff worthy of contemplation that can make our world a better place!

And on the other hand there’s the shopping, the focus on consumerism, the travel, the eating and the drinking and the gifting.  Then there’s the colder temps, shorter days, and just so much to do and so little time! Perhaps we even feel pressure to be a certain way or do certain things.

How do we balance all of this and stay connected to the joy?  And what if we are experiencing challenging times in our life, or with our families, and the holidays remind us of our darkness… how do we reach out and find some light?

There are no easy answers to these questions, but there are ways to tune in and listen to your inner guidance.  To that end we are offering a few new workshops this month to help you do just that:

Consider attending one of our great workshops, trying some Yoga classes, or receiving a wonderful, long deserved massage for yourself!  We hope that The Gentle Place can be a community resource where you can find support and guidance as you navigate all that this season brings to your life.

Wishing you and yours a holiday season filled with Love and Light, and a New Year filled with the fulfillment of your heart’s desires!







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